Development of bases and qualification tests of Photomultiplier Tubes for the AugerPrime scintillation detectors
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- uploaded July 7, 2021
Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 16. July 2021 - 18:00
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'We describe two test benches that were designed and constructed to perform a set of acceptance tests for about 1200 Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) units to be operated in the surface scintillation detectors of AugerPrime. Besides robustness, long-term reliability, and low power consumption, the dynamic range of the PMT-unit is required to cover signals ranging from a single to more than 20,000 minimum ionizing particles with not more than 5% deviation from linear response. This poses a particular challenge that was met by combining a specially selected 1.5“ PMT type with a custom-made Cockcroft Walton type base. The characteristics of the PMT units and qualification results obtained for a large quantity will be presented and discussed.rnBesides measuring the gain and linearity for each PMT-unit for different supply voltages, we also measured for a sub-sample of about 10% the quantum-efficiency of the photocathode as a function of wavelength and its homogeneity across the full photocathode area with 1 mm spatial resolution. The latter is of importance because of the fiber-optical readout of the scintillation detectors.'
Authors: Karl-Heinz Becker | Urs Grosse-Rhode | Karl-Heinz Kampert | Stephan Keller | Christian Pauly | Jannis Pawlowsky | Dennis Pfeifer | Julian Rautenberg | Simon Strotmann | Rukije Uzeiroska | Natalia Weimer
Indico-ID: 1243
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Julian Rautenberg