Combined analysis of AMS-02 secondary-to-primary ratios: universality of propagation and consistency of cross-sections


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  • uploaded July 5, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 19. July 2021 - 18:00
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ZOOM-Meeting ID: 91896950007
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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The AMS-02 collaboration released several secondary-to-primary ratios of unprecedented accuracy. These ratios can be used to test the universality of propagation for different species, and also to test the presence of breaks in the diffusion coefficient. It was shown in Weinrichrnet al. (A&A 639, 131, 2020) that the combined analysis of Li/C, Be/C,and B/C strengthens the case for a low-rigidity diffusion break. It was also shown that a standard propagation model successfully reproduces these ratios (and also AMS-02 N/O and 3He/4He data), without the need for additional sources of Li, Be, or B. However, significant modifications(~10-15%) of the production cross sections are required, though these modifications remain within estimated nuclear uncertainties. We also extend our analyses to the recently published F/Si ratio and discuss how much F at source can be accommodated by the data.'

Authors: Manuela Vecchi
Co-Authors: Eduardo Ferronato Bueno | Laurent Derôme | Yoann GÉNOLINI | David Maurin
Indico-ID: 1255
Proceeding URL:


Manuela Vecchi

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