Cosmic rays in the GeV-TeV energy range from two types of supernovae


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  • uploaded July 7, 2021

Discussion timeslot (ZOOM-Meeting): 15. July 2021 - 18:00
ZOOM-Meeting URL:
ZOOM-Meeting ID: 98542982538
ZOOM-Meeting Passcode: ICRC2021
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'The AMS-02 experiment has reported precise measurements of energy spectra of several cosmic-ray species in the energy range of ~ (0.5-2000) GeV/n. An intriguing finding is the differences in the spectral shape between the different species. Protons exhibit the steepest spectrum of all the species, and helium, carbon, oxygen and iron spectra are found to be harder than that of neon, magnesium and silicon. These observations are difficult to explain as diffusive shock acceleration, the currently most plausible theory for cosmic particle acceleration at high energies, expects independence of the spectral index from mass and charge of the accelerated particle. Moreover, propagation in the Galaxy has been shown to not being able to compensate for this discrepancy. In this work, we present an explanation based on two-component model for the origin of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. The first component originating from regular supernova remnants in the interstellar medium and the second component from Wolf-Rayet supernovae. Considering a recently proposed model for cosmic ray injection enhancement at astrophysical shocks and apply it (a) to interstellar-medium elemental abundances for the regular supernovae and (b) to the wind composition for the Wolf-Rayet component, we show that the combination of the two components may explained most of the behavior observed by the AMS-02 experiment.'

Authors: Satyendra Thoudam | Björn Eichmann | Jörg P. Rachen
Indico-ID: 934
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Satyendra Thoudam

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