The hRIXS spectrometer at the SCS instrument explained by Dr. Benjamin van Kuiken


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  • uploaded April 23, 2024

The SCS instrument (Spectroscopy and Coherent Scattering) enables scientists to unravel the electronic and structural properties of complex materials, molecules, and nanostructures. Examples of experiments carried out with the SCS instrument include investigating ultrafast magnetization processes on the nanoscale, the real-time observation of chemical reactions in liquids, and understanding and developing new functional materials for applications in the fields of e.g. IT, medicine and energy research. The combination of the high-resolution spectrometer for resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (hRIXS) and X-ray diffraction chamber (XRD) make it possible to study electronic details and dynamics on femtosecond time scales with spatial resolutions down to a few nanometers. The hRIXS spectrometer measures elementary excitations, while the XRD provides a sample environment to study complex 3D materials. A special feature of this set-up is the triple rotating flange which allows the XRD to be moved and repositioned with respect to the X-ray beam and detectors, without breaking the vacuum. This and the high precision floor allowing for easy and constant movement of the hRIXS enables quick measurements over a wide X-ray angle.


Benjamin van Kuiken